
New book: Building Blocks of S&OP

Perfect preparation prevents poor performance. That was the most important lesson I learned as a logistics professor at the Netherlands Defense Academy. Successful global missions were based on meticulous strategic, tactical, and…

LEAD policy recommendations on digital twins for urban freight

Cities are grappling with challenges brought about by the surging consumer demand and the booming e-commerce sector. Digital Twins empower decision-makers to construct virtual models of logistics operations, effectively tackling these issues.…

The potential of Freight Demand Management in cities

A new paper quantifies the potential Freight Demand Management (FDM) market in metropolitan areas. The authors define FDM and describe the various initiatives that could be undertaken to reduce the externalities produced by freight traffic.…

Vrachtwagenheffing start naar verwachting in 2026

De vrachtwagenheffing start naar verwachting in 2026. Dat schrijft minister Mark Harbers van IenW afgelopen vrijdag. Toldienstaanbieders RDW heeft twee aanbestedingsprocedures gestart. De eerste aanbesteding gaat over het contracteren van de hoofddienstaanbieder…

McKinsey about digital logistics: what’s hot and happening?

A McKinsey survey of more than 250 global shippers and logistics providers reveals that technology investments are set to increase, with numerous companies already piloting advanced use cases. The survey’s most important…

KiM voorspelt daling goederenvervoer in Nederland

Het Mobiliteitsbeeld van het KiM gaat in op de ontwikkeling van mobiliteit in de afgelopen 10 jaar én raamt de mogelijke ontwikkeling van verschillende vervoerwijzen in de komende 5 jaar aan de hand…

ICCT: new TCO data on e-trucks in Europe

Heavy-duty vehicles (HDV) are among Europe’s most significant sources of CO2 emissions, primarily due to the sector’s reliance on diesel vehicles. While numerous alternative technologies and fuel options exist to mitigate these…

Walther Ploos van Amstel  

Passie in logistiek & supply chain management